McGraw Hill Asia offers a range of flexible teaching and learning solutions for institutions to achieve their strategic initiatives, achieve higher retention rates and increase student success.
Institutional Solutions
Our Digital Learning Consultants will work with you to design custom solutions that meets the unique needs of your tertiary institution.
Outcomes & Affordability
We aim to remove barriers for students allowing them to unlock their true potential. We are proud to be delivering high-quality course materials and affordable purchase options to effectively improve student outcomes. Our learning solutions engage students, enabling them to build higher-level critical thinking skills that will set them up for success.
Placement & Prep
Success in Higher Education starts with the right assessment and placing students in a suitable course. An effective placement process not only helps to improve course readiness and retention, it can also save institutions and students time, money and frustrations. With the appropriate course placement, we can help match students to the courses best suited to their learning skills that will promote academic success.
Critical Insights
Having access to detailed diagnostics on your student cohort is crucial for Higher Education institutions and administrators. We believe in empowering instructors with the digital learning solutions that offers robust analytics reports and insights. These reports enable you to identify student performance gaps, evaluate course teaching materials and assess course structure to ensure continuous student success.
First-Day Access is Critical
Research shows that students with First-Day Access to course materials score 20% higher than students who wait two or more weeks to purchase.
Contact us to learn more about our institutional solutions.
Efficacy Studies & Success Stories
Connecting the Dots for Student Success
The Impact of Connect on Student Success
The "3 Knowns" in Learning Science